An Introduction: Basics of affiliate marketing

Basics of affiliate marketing

what is an affiliate? The term “Affiliate” refers to people or companies who are part of an affiliate program. Here we cover all the basics of affiliate marketing that you need to know as an affiliate. Being part of an affiliate program means you are willing to earn commissions to promote products for people or companies.

Over time, affiliate marketing has proven to be highly effective in driving sales and generating significant revenue. It’s also cost-effective and allows you to pay based on performance. With affiliate marketing, you only pay when a sale is made, and not just for “promotion”

Affiliate marketing is an online sales technique that involves brands or business owners paying another person only when they successfully refer customers to their business. In other words, it’s a form of advertising where someone (an affiliate) earns a commission only when one of their referred customers buys from the business they’re promoting.

what is an affiliate sale? You make a sale and get easy earn commission without owning any product or service. However, there has to be a prior business agreement between the business owner and affiliate about the commission per sale and how it would be tracked. Usually, as a business owner you can generate links unique to each affiliate to track customers that come through them or give them a specific coupon code so when anyone enters that coupon code, they know it’s from the affiliate.

In a nutshell,

The basics of Affiliate Marketing is that it is simply an online business model where you recommend other people’s products and services and you get paid a commission for doing that.

And you do that on your WhatsApp account or autopilot it with the sales funnel

Now, let’s say someone has a product that he created and he is selling it for *20k* and he is offering to pay *50% commission. *

What this means is that for each sale you help the product owner make, you will get paid *10k* as commission.

Now, remember your goal is to make *100k-400k* within *30 days*.

Let’s break it down.

 *100,000* divided by *10,000* will give you *10*, what I mean is that you make *10* sales of a product that pays *10k* in commission in *30 long days. *

Examples of best affiliate websites & platforms are;

Note: you can also work as an affiliate marketer and make more money without joining any affiliate platform.

All you have to do is to look for *a seller or a product owner and strike a deal with him to become an affiliate of his products. *

This aspect even works great more than joining any affiliate platform.

So, as I was saying, there are three niches that people can create an information product around which you can pick and sell as an affiliate marketer and do affiliate advertising of your links with paid social media ads or solo ads to get traffic and sales.

And these three niches are;

• The Money-making niche

• The Health and fitness niche

• Dating and relationship niche

Any product you select under them sells well and will always sell because people will always have those problems.

Affiliate marketing is a form of third-party promotion that is lucrative for both the customer and the affiliate. The business or brand reaches a wider audience without having to spend a huge amount on advertising. Also, the affiliate earns commissions by recommending people to the business or service. As a business owner, Selar makes setting up affiliate marketing for your business very easy, you can read how it works here.

Getting to know the Benefits latter the basics of Affiliate Marketing Business

  • It’s a lucrative and far-reaching industry
  • No expertise is required in affiliate marketing
  • It’s a low-cost business opportunity
  • It’s good as a supplementary source of income
  • Let’s work when you want to if you want to.
  • No need to come up with your marketing kit
  • There are myriad ways you can market your chosen affiliate programs.

Nevertheless, the financial gain for both parties is unlimited. Unlike fixed fee promotions where it’s one time for the promoter and there are no guarantees for sales, with affiliate marketing the affiliate can earn as much as they can sell and the business owner keeps getting sales at no extra cost other than the affiliate commission. Win-Win!

Affiliate marketing has become even more popular in recent times thanks to influencer culture and people generally having a strong online presence. More people now consider affiliate marketing a full-time job. If you’re someone with a track record of facilitating sales or you just have a huge following, recommending Selar to the businesses you promote is a great way to have a structured affiliate marketing experience, as an affiliate for a Selar store, you get to have your dashboard where you can monitor how many views and clicks your affiliate link is getting as well as the sales you’re making in real-time

In Conclusion, Affiliate marketing is quickly becoming a central aspect of many marketing strategies, largely because of the high bang for your buck that other strategies cannot offer.

As the market continues to grow, the benefit of affiliate marketing is more apparent to businesses of all sizes, and we can expect to see more organizations use the method more frequently in the future.

Types of Affiliate Marketing Business

basics of affiliate marketing
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These are the main types of affiliate marketing programs:

Pay-per-click (PPC)

Pay Per Click is the top affiliate model that is used by every company out there, pay per click model is used where advertisers pay commissions to publishers when one of their ads is clicked.

Here the website owners are registered with an advertising network and place the code on their website, when every visitor that comes on your site and you get paid per 1000/clicks

Some best affiliate examples are Google AdSense,, Mediavine, Adsterra, Ezoic  

Pay-per-lead (PPL)

Pay Per Lead is an affiliate model where a digital marketer or advertiser pays a commission to the affiliates according to the number of leads converted that they produce for the advertiser.

Here the website owners can start PPL affiliate marketing by doing email marketing and collecting leads from their website to sell their digital products or courses, or tools to get a lead converted.

Some best affiliate examples are ShareAsale, Grammarly, SEMrush     

Pay-per-sale (PPS)

Pay Per Sale is an affiliate model where an advertiser pays a commission amount to the website owner when a user clicks on affiliate links and banners and buys a product that is counted as a sale.

 Some of the best affiliate examples are ClickBank, Amazon Associates, Flipkart, Impact  

Pay Per Call (PPCall)

Pay Per Call is an affiliate model where an advertiser pays a publisher or distribution partner for generating a quality call for the advertiser.

The best affiliate examples of PPCall affiliates are Digital Market Media, Ring Partner, Click Dealer, Leadsmart affiliate  

Cost per action/acquisition (CPA)

what is CPA marketing? The CPA model of affiliate marketing business is partnering with influencer, blogger, and publisher who promotes the products/service in return for a commission fee.

Some of the best affiliate examples of this model are MaxBounty, CPATrend, CPALead 

Lifetime commissions

The lifetime Commissions affiliate model is a recurring commission every month and every year for any program or subscription and you will receive a commission as long a referred member is active.

Best affiliate examples of Lifetime Commission affiliate programs are Shopify, GetResponse, AWeber, login   

Two-tier affiliate programs

A two-tier affiliate model or multi-tier program is where you get a commission from directly your sales with the step referral link and from your referrals sales. You get paid until you and your team people are working on the affiliate program.

Some of the best affiliate examples are, WP Engine, Long Tail Pro

Each type of affiliate program has its benefits and monetization strategies to use in the affiliate model. It is depending on your skills and abilities which one you can promote and be a better marketer.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing

How can I start affiliate marketing as a beginner? Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the affiliate’s marketing efforts.

To get started with affiliate marketing you need to know the basics of affiliate marketing for beginners and who works behind that, where you get a commission from, and what type of products and services to promote.

There are four key players in affiliate marketing:

  1. The merchant – also known as the ‘advertiser’ or ‘retailer’, is the company that produces the products being sold.
  2. The network – this is the business that provides the technology and support for the affiliate program.
  3. The publisher – also known as the ‘affiliate’, is the person who promotes the merchant’s products in exchange for a commission.
  4. The customer – is the person who buys the merchant’s products.

Affiliate marketing has been around since the earliest days of online marketing. It’s a great way for businesses to tap into new markets and reach new customers. And it’s a great way for individuals to make money online by promoting products they love.

There are two main ways to make money with affiliate marketing:

  1. By promoting products as an affiliate and earning a commission on every sale you make.
  2. By setting up your affiliate program and recruiting affiliates to promote your products for you.

The first way is the most common and involves finding a merchant that has an affiliate program, signing up for their program, and then promoting their products on your website or blog with their affiliate link. When a customer clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase, you earn a commission from the sale.

The second way is to set up your affiliate program. This involves creating a product or service that you can promote, and then recruiting affiliates to promote it for you. You will pay them a commission on every sale they make.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online, and it’s especially suited to those with their website or blog. If you don’t have a website, you can still promote products as an affiliate through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to making money with affiliate marketing. It just takes a little creativity and hard work to get started. So, if you’re ready to start making money, then check out some of the top sites like fanatics affiliate programs available and sign up today!


Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online. It’s a versatile way to earn money, and there are many different types of affiliate marketing. Now you might get an idea of all the basics of affiliate marketing and more in-depth blogs on affiliate marketing tools, platforms, tips, and tricks will be published soon in the near time to earn from the comfort of your home. Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn money online. It’s a performance-based marketing model, which means you only get paid when someone takes an action, such as making a purchase. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. It’s a simple way to earn money by promoting products and services that you already use and love.

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